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Family and marriage


The support of LGBT organizations by ambassadors violates the Vienna Convention

· Once again, a manifestation of the LGBT movement is to take place in Warsaw. This year, the event will be combined with the Ukrainian "Kyiv Pride" and is scheduled for June 25.

· A year ago, some representatives of diplomatic missions in Poland took part in the demonstration. Dozens of embassies expressed their support for initiatives promoting a thorough reconstruction of the Polish legal order through the implementation of ideological postulates.

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Family and marriage


Ordo Iuris and the Polish community in Norway in defence of Polish families and the Consul of the Republic of Poland

The decision by the Norwegian authorities to expel the Consul of the Republic of Poland, Dr. Sławomir Kowalski, has provoked a widespread criticism. First of all, it met with a disapproval by the local Polish community. Its representatives organised a demonstration in front of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in defence of the Polish consul.

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