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European Union

Family and marriage


European Commission step toward forcing states to recognize same-sex parenthood

· The European Commission has drafted an EU regulation that would make it compulsory for EU states to recognize each other's decisions establishing parenthood.

· As a result, Poland would be obliged to recognize the legal force of a document certifying same-sex parenthood.

· The EU regulations are directly applicable - their provisions do not require implementation into the national legal order.

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Family and marriage


EU law does not require legalization of surrogacy and "breeding" of humans in laboratories - Ordo Iuris analysis

- Politicians of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's party are demanding the legalization of surrogacy and ectogenesis, or "breeding" of humans in laboratory conditions, claiming that this is a condition for Ukraine's admission to the European Union.

- At the request of Ukrainian social organizations, the Ordo Iuris Institute has prepared an opinion pointing out the groundlessness of such a thesis.

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Problems of equality bodies can be solved by sovereign states. Ordo Iuris opinion for the European Commission

· The Ordo Iuris Institute has submitted an opinion to the European Commission on a draft directive introducing binding standards related to the organization and powers of equality bodies.

· The Commission's initiative is a response to problems reported by equality bodies with a lack of resources and competencies that prevent them from fulfilling their missions. 

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Life protection


European Parliament demands Poland withdraw ban on eugenic abortion - EP annual report

· The European Parliament has adopted the resolution "Report on human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union's policy in this regard - Annual Report 2022."

· In an attempt to pursue an ideological agenda, the EP makes mutually exclusive demands in its report.

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Left-wing organizations are trying to remove Ordo Iuris from the composition of the committee monitoring the spending of EU funds

· The Ordo Iuris Institute has been invited to participate in the Monitoring Committee for the European Funds for a Modern Economy program, which includes funds worth PLN 45.9 billion.

· Several left-wing NGOs, including the Campaign Against Homophobia and Planned Parenthood, have asked EU commissioners for a meeting on the exclusion of Ordo Iuris from the committee's work.

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Family and marriage


"Birth certificate" - EU idea to bring same-sex parenthood into the legal system

· The European Commission has released a draft regulation aimed at regulating the mutual recognition of parenthood by EU member states.

· The issue primarily concerns same-sex couples, to whom some countries grant the right to adoption. In countries where such adoption is not possible, their parentage may be questioned.

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