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Family and marriage


"Our nations are based on the family, the foundation of which is marriage" - meeting of the Alliance for the Common Good

- Representatives of the Ordo Iuris Institute met in Prague with European and American experts and delegations of other NGOs to discuss current challenges to the defense of human life and the family.

- The meeting was attended by representatives of the Alliance for the Common Good - a coalition of pro-family organizations from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy and Hungary.

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Family and marriage


The Ordo Iuris Institute awarded at the World Congress of Families in Mexico

• Another, 14th edition of the World Congress of Families took place in Mexico.


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Family and marriage


The Local Government Charter of Family Rights does not block financial support from the European Union

· LGBT organizations spread false information that the Partnership Agreement between Poland and the European Commission was supposed to contain "a provision prohibiting the financing of local governments that adopted Local Government Charter of Family Rights".

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Family and marriage


The support of LGBT organizations by ambassadors violates the Vienna Convention

· Once again, a manifestation of the LGBT movement is to take place in Warsaw. This year, the event will be combined with the Ukrainian "Kyiv Pride" and is scheduled for June 25.

· A year ago, some representatives of diplomatic missions in Poland took part in the demonstration. Dozens of embassies expressed their support for initiatives promoting a thorough reconstruction of the Polish legal order through the implementation of ideological postulates.

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Family and marriage


Parents whose child has been taken away are entitled to a second chance. ECtHR on the side of the Norwegian family

· In 2015, the Norwegian children's welfare office took away a 2.5-month-old daughter from her parents, accusing them of neglectful care, even though a few weeks earlier it had concluded that the care was "suitable".

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Family and marriage


The EP calls for the non-application of the presumption of innocence to men and the implementation of gender postulates

· At the request of the FEMM Committee (Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality), the European Parliament has focused on the impact of 'intimate partner' violence on women and children and on custody rights.

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