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Life protection


A Small Concession with Dire Consequences for an Entire Nation: The Gloomy Example of France – The Third in a Series on ‘Abortion, the Road to National Horror’

· The anti-life projects proposed by our ruling coalition are only the beginning of a political process leading to the normalisation of the mass killing of unborn children.

· The French law of 1974, which was only supposed to open the floodgates to prenatal killing for women in distress, in fact established a new legal foundation through which almost a quarter of a million children lose their lives in France every year.

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Life protection


French president's announcement to enshrine 'right to abortion' in French constitution. Will ignoring the law hurt?

Everyone is probably familiar with the Latin paremia from Roman law, "Ignorantia iuris nocet". The essence of this principle is that an individual, referred to in the literature as a subject of the law, cannot justify his or her actions or omissions by invoking ignorance of legal norms.

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Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court: state has no obligation to recognize "third sex"

· The European Court of Human Rights has dismissed the complaint of a French man suffering from hermaphroditism who demanded that a notation of "neutral" or "intersex" gender be entered on his birth certificate.

· The courts refused, pointing out that his request was essentially a demand for the establishment of a "third gender," while French law only recognizes male and female sex.

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Civil liberties


The Strasbourg Court allows Christians to be insulted in their own churches

· The European Court of Human Rights found that French courts violated the right to freedom of speech of a feminist who stripped half-naked in St. Magdalene in Paris.


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Life protection


International coalition to protect unborn life. The Ordo Iuris Institute is among the signatories of the appeal to the President of France

· The Ordo Iuris Institute joined the signatories of the letter of the international coalition of civil organizations opposing the intention of including abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

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Life protection


Ideology under the guise of law – another attempt to introduce radical ideas at the UN

The United Nations forum will witness yet another attempt by radicals to try to push concepts such as sexual and reproductive rights, sex education and abortion into the international discourse.

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