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life protection

Life protection


Efforts to decriminalise infant homicide in El Salvador. Ordo Iuris protects newborns and unborn children

American pro-abortion organisations try to hinder prosecution of crimes against the life of newborns in El Salvador. The case is being heard by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. It is not the first time these groupings have requested decriminalisation of infanticide and legalisation of abortion in El Salvador.

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Life protection


The Council of Europe presses Poland to expand access to abortion and punish those hospitals that do not perform it

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe requested Polish authorities to create procedures for easier killing of children through abortion. The institution also requires the collection of information about hospitals where doctors invoke the conscience clause. The Committee demands easier methods for objecting to decisions by physicians who refuse to perform abortion.

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Life protection


Protecting health instead of promoting abortion - Ordo Iuris petitions the government regarding the activities of WHO

The crisis caused by the pandemic has put the activities of the World Health Organisation at the centre of public debate.

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Life protection


Pandemic as an excuse for promoting medical abortion. The Ordo Iuris analysis of UN actions

Despite the ongoing pandemic, UN agencies continue to promote abortion. According to WHO and the United Nations Population Fund, the protection of ‘reproductive and sexual rights’ is key to combating the effects of the spreading of the coronavirus.

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Life protection


Eugenic abortion unconstitutional and against international law – Ordo Iuris submits opinion to MPs

The first reading of the “Stop abortion” bill (pl. Zatrzymaj aborcję) will be held again today in Sejm, the lower house of the polish parliament. The bill – which proposes repealing the laws which legitimate eugenic abortion – has been signed by over 830,000 Poles.

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