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EU to finance pro-abortion activities? Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality issues a controversial opinion

Published: 28.11.2019

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The Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality of the European Parliament called on all EU member states to finance pro-abortion organisations in its draft opinion on a project currently being worked on by the European Parliament. The document concerns the status of human rights and democracy around the world and the EU policy on the subject in 2018.


The Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) expressed its “concern” with the fact that the European Commission had failed to present a strategy aimed at combating the allegedly increasing pushback against women’s rights across the globe, in particular with regard to what they refer to as sexual and reproductive health and rights. FEMM also claimed that sexual and reproductive health and rights also constitute fundamental human rights. This unclear and controversial term encompasses the legalisation of prenatal murder and compulsory sexual education in line with WHO guidelines. According to the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality, the European Union has an obligation to take internal action in this area to meet its Sustainable Development Goals.


What is more, the Committee suggested that the report on the status of human rights and democracy around the world in 2018 should contain a “condemnation” of the global gag rule introduced by U.S. President Donald Trump, according to which the U.S. federal budget cannot finance NGOs which promote or perform abortions. FEMM called on the European Union to fill the financial gap resulting from Trump’s decision, which in practice would mean financing pro-abortion organisations using EU funding, including the notorious International Planned Parenthood Federation. In addition, FEMM called for a consistent, comprehensive plan of action which would involve boys and men in combating violence against men and women, which the Committee considers to be a result of existing “gender norms and stereotypes”.


“FEMM once again not only objects to the right to life, but also wants pro-abortion organisations to be publicly funded by all EU member states. Implementing this idea would constitute yet another step towards forcing EU member states to legalise the killing of unborn babies”, says Magdalena Olek, expert at the Ordo Iuris Institute.


The European Parliament issues annual resolutions containing reports on the status of human rights and democracy around the world and the EU policy on the subject. The document mentions threats which emerged in the year prior and specifies what actions the European Union should take to prevent further violations of “democratic standards”. FEMM was asked to issue an opinion on the draft report presented by the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI). The controversial opinion was passed by FEMM by a majority vote (24 FEMM members were for the opinion, 6 were against and one abstained).

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