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Life protection

Ordo Iuris Institute is committed to upholding the unquestionable value of human life from conception to natural death. We demand an unambiguous affirmation of the constitutional principles ensuring the legal protection of life for every human being. Following the constitutional case-law, we emphasise that there can be no protection of human dignity, unless sufficient foundations have been created for the protection of life.

We are fully determined to halt the progressive erosion of the institutions of national and international law, which, in the intention of their creators, were meant to uphold the inviolability of human dignity and the right to life. We are monitoring the authorities, which, having forgotten the lessons of history, usurp for themselves the right to indicate which "life is not worthy of living", deprived of the absolute protection of the State.

We protect our country against the trends that consider abortion, artificial in vitro insemination or euthanasia, i.e. activities inherently connected with the annihilation of human life as "human rights".

Our lawyers defend pro-life activists courageously proclaiming the truth about the bloody and brutal nature of abortion techniques, support emerging civil movements for the protection of life, participate in the national legislative process and prepare numerous analyses, proposals and memoranda addressed to international organisations.


Life protection


Abortion a right and 'hate speech' a crime - vote on the motion for a European Parliament resolution

- The European Parliament will vote on a draft resolution on fundamental rights in the European Union.

- The motion, among other things, condemns the impossibility of performing legal abortion, supports the extension of the list of EU crimes to include 'hate speech' and states that 'housing is not a commodity but a necessity'.

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Life protection


Pro-life states increase fertility rates. The demographic situation after the repeal of Roe v. Wade

- A US research centre has published data showing that in the first six months of 2023, the number of births in some US states increased by an average of 2.3%.

- These are the states that restricted abortion after Roe v. Wade was overturned.

- These figures may be a good indication of how to mitigate the demographic crisis. However, they have been received coolly by left-wing circles in the US.

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Life protection


UN Committee statement declaring abortion a human right, contrary to international law

· The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has issued a statement that the right to abortion is a human right and derives from international law.

· Accordingly, this body recommends that all states parties decriminalise and legalise abortion and provide 'gender' sensitive education on 'sexual and reproductive health' and rights in this area.

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Life protection


Peru strengthens legal protection for the lives of unborn children

· The Peruvian Congress has passed a law recognising certain rights of unborn children.

· According to the act, the conceived child is "a subject of rights with the full status of a human person". Among other things, it has the right to "develop freely in the womb".

· Until now, the rights of unborn children were not mentioned in a separate act, but in the Peruvian Constitution and civil legislation.

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Life protection


Indi Gregory's story - another victim of euthanasia?

· A few days ago, numerous news outlets revisited the case of a seriously ill eight-month-old girl, Indi Gregory - a British citizen - against whom the Supreme Court of that country recently ruled to disconnect her life support equipment.

· The parents have not given up their fight for the child's life, and last week it was reported that the girl had been granted Italian citizenship and the prospect of continuing treatment offered by the Vatican's Bambino Gesù hospital.

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Life protection


Ohio referendum. Voters will decide on the protection of life

- This Tuesday, the people of US Ohio will decide in a referendum whether so-called reproductive rights and the right to abortion will be written into the state constitution.

- The referendum is linked to the US Supreme Court's 2022 ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organisation, which confirmed that the US Constitution does not guarantee the so-called right to abortion.

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Legal Analysis

Life protection

Analysis of the draft Conveant on the right to development

- A new international treaty, the Pact for the Right to Development, is being drafted at the UN Human Rights Council Working Group.

- The basic premise of the Pact is a formal commitment by states to engage in the construction of universal and possibly widespread prosperity.

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Life protection

Analysis of the Guatemalan act on the protection of life and family (draft law no. 5272) and Guatemala's previous activities for the protection of conceived life

With a population of 16 million, Guatemala confirms its position as the leader of the Americas in the protection of human life at the prenatal stage of development.

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Life protection


On compliance of the Penal Code with Brazil’s international obligations concerning the right to life and the rights of the child.
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