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Life protection


ECHR: forcing a 20-year-old to have an abortion by her parents is inhumane treatment

· The European Court of Human Rights ruled that the coercion of a Russian mother to have an abortion constituted "an outrageous case of inhuman and degrading treatment," and awarded her 19,500 euros in compensation (about 91,000 zlotys).

· The 20-year-old girl was forcibly taken to the hospital and forced to have an abortion by her parents, who disapproved of her relationship with the man who fathered the child.

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Family and marriage


Universal Periodic Review: an attempt to force Poland to implement ideological demands

· A review of Poland took place today in Geneva as part of the 41st session of the Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

· The UPR study took place during a 3.5-hour session conducted by the UPR Working Group - open to any UN member state - in the form of an interactive dialogue.

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Life protection


Universal Periodic Review at the UN: legalization of abortion and "special protection" for people with homosexual tendencies in Poland

· The UN Human Rights Council will once again conduct a Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on the protection of human rights in Poland.

· Poland will be reviewed on November 15.

· The review will take into account the country's national report, a summary of UN information on the country and a summary of recommendations from other stakeholders, including NGOs.

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Civil liberties


EP session: debate on racial justice in the EU, or "right-wing sentiment" and the Polish-Ukrainian border

A report on "racial justice, non-discrimination and anti-racism in the EU" was presented in the European Parliament this morning. The draft resolution on the issue refers, among other things, to the alleged discrimination against people of different skin color allegedly taking place on the Polish-Ukrainian border. During the debate, it was emphasized that racism is allegedly institutional in some EU countries, not to mention the problems of assimilation of immigrants and the scale of crime associated with this process.

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Life protection


European Commission to inspect implementation of ideological demands

· The European Commission has launched an initiative to review the implementation of Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by European Union member states.

· The 2030 Agenda is a roadmap with an agenda for solving the world's most pressing - in the assumption of its authors - economic, social and environmental problems.

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Life protection


UN: Attempt to include gender ideology demands in food security agreement

- The Committee on World Food Security is working on "Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition."

- The U.S. and the European Union have blocked the agreement by demanding that the document include terms referring to gender ideology, including "reproductive and sexual rights," among others.

- Some UN countries refused to sign the agreement in this form.

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