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Life protection


WHO recommends the use of abortion drugs and persuades governments to lift restrictions that make abortion difficult

The ongoing pandemic of COVID – 19 prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) to extend the instructions from the interim guide, released on March 25. The updated version from June 1 contains several recommendations, referring to essential medical services, which, according to WHO, have been partly limited due to the pandemic.

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Life protection


The European Commission makes use of the requirement for protecting human rights to push forward ideological concepts

The right to life from conception, protection of the identity of marriage or parents’ right to raise their children in conformity with their own convictions may be at risk if the European Commission’s proposals enter into force.

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Family and marriage


Promoting abortion and battling pro-life movements – the UN programme for the following years

The United Nations has initiated works on a final document of this year's 64th session of the UN Commission for the Status of Women. In March, the UN Political Statement on "gender equality" will be adopted. It entails the organisation's course of action for the following five years.

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Life protection


Poland insufficiently protects the lives of unborn children - Ordo Iuris conference

There are many myths about the legal protection of life in the public space. One of them is the claim that Poland, in comparison to most countries of the world, protects the life of unborn children very well. This was the topic of a press conference of the Ordo Iuris Institute.

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Life protection

Analysis of the Guatemalan act on the protection of life and family (draft law no. 5272) and Guatemala's previous activities for the protection of conceived life

With a population of 16 million, Guatemala confirms its position as the leader of the Americas in the protection of human life at the prenatal stage of development.

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