Informujemy, że Państwa dane osobowe są przetwarzane przez Fundację Instytut na Rzecz Kultury Prawnej Ordo Iuris z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Górnośląskiej 20/6, kod pocztowy 00-484 (administrator danych) w celu informowania o realizacji działań statutowych, w tym do informowania o organizowanych akcjach społecznych. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne. Informujemy, że przysługuje Państwu prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych i możliwości ich poprawiania.
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Family and marriage


Hungary against gender ideology. Parliament rejects the Istanbul Convention

The Hungarian parliament adopted a declaration calling on the government to refrain from ratifying the Istanbul Convention. The MPs opposed the introduction of gender ideology into law, claiming that it diverges from the beliefs held by most Hungarians.

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Life protection


The World Health Organisation needs reforms

The crisis caused by the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic highlighted the numerous difficulties faced by modern societies worldwide. However, it has also clearly shown the problems related to the World Health Organisation’s activities.

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Life protection


Protecting health instead of promoting abortion - Ordo Iuris petitions the government regarding the activities of WHO

The crisis caused by the pandemic has put the activities of the World Health Organisation at the centre of public debate.

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Life protection


The European Commission makes use of the requirement for protecting human rights to push forward ideological concepts

The right to life from conception, protection of the identity of marriage or parents’ right to raise their children in conformity with their own convictions may be at risk if the European Commission’s proposals enter into force.

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Institute Activity


Ordo Iuris sues Radosław Sikorski. publishes correction of false information

Suits against Radosław Sikorski, politician, and Dorota Brejza, attorney, were filed with the courts. The reasons for the intervention are untrue defamatory entries about the Ordo Iuris Institute on social media.

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The European Union cannot accede to the gender convention without the consent of Poland – the position of Ordo Iuris

The debate on the possibility of the European Union's accession to the gender Istanbul Convention is in progress. However, there is no agreement among the Member States on this matter. The European Parliament has presented to the Court of Justice of the European Union a request for an indication of the legal basis for the adoption by the EU of the controversial document.

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