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“The Government will strive to define a framework for the functioning of social networking services” – response given by the Chancellery of the Prime Minister to Ordo Iuris

Published: 20.04.2021

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The Chancellery of the Prime Minister responded to the appeal of the Ordo Iuris Institute and Polish Journalist Association on fighting censorship on the Internet. The petition and report on this issue were submitted to the Chancellery in January this year. The Government has pledged to take steps to introduce relevant regulations that would limit the censoring of content by social media platforms.

“The freedom of expression is fundamental to democratic Poland,” stresses the Chancellery.

The response was also critical of censorship practices in social media. 

“We are saddened by and object to the endeavours of international corporations to limit freedom on the Internet,” claims the Chancellery.

The Chancellery has also promised that the Council of Ministers would take actions to introduce regulations governing the functioning of social networks. 

“We will introduce relevant regulations in Poland, similar to the ones that already exist in France or Germany. We will also propose making such instruments mandatory across the European Union,” stated the Chancellery.

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