Informujemy, że Państwa dane osobowe są przetwarzane przez Fundację Instytut na Rzecz Kultury Prawnej Ordo Iuris z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Górnośląskiej 20/6, kod pocztowy 00-484 (administrator danych) w celu informowania o realizacji działań statutowych, w tym do informowania o organizowanych akcjach społecznych. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne. Informujemy, że przysługuje Państwu prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych i możliwości ich poprawiania.
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Published: 25.01.2024

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In response to a number of unlawful actions of specific public authorities, which violate the legal order of the Republic of Poland, starting with the Constitution itself, and undertaken after 13 December 2023, we, the Polish lawyers, hereby warn all those breaking the law, supporting and inciting such actions, that all such actions shall be documented in a way, which will enable future accountability of the perpetrators for their deeds.

Today, we are launching "Against lawlessness – att. Władysław Siła – Nowicki Archives", where we shall collect documented information regarding violations of the law. We will soon be asking all citizens of the Republic of Poland to report to the "Archive” information about violations and violators of the Polish law and constitutional order.

Warsaw, 24 January 2024

On behalf of the organizers:

Jan Majchrowski – professor at the University of Warsaw, member of the State Tribunal

Association Lawyers for Poland

Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture

Collegium of Sovereignty

Independent Association of Prosecutors Ad Vocem

Foundation “Institute of Justice”

Foundation “Warsaw Seminar of Axiology of Administration”

National Association of Judges “Judges of the Republic of Poland”





Institute Activity


Conservatives aka Russia. How a Polish left-wing activist spins conspiracy theories.

Mysterious links, the Kremlin, Catholic fundamentalism – Polish pro-abortion activist Klementyna Suchanow continues her crusade against her country’s main pro-family, anti-abortion lawyers’ organization, the Ordo Iuris Institute.


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Institute Activity


Happy Easter!

May the Ressurrected Lord become the source of courage for all of us and for the entire Nation in proclaiming the truth adn in defense of true freedom of our families and Fatherland.

On behalf on the entire team of Ordo Iuris Institute, we wish a beautiful family Easter, which fills with joy and spiritual strenght.

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The Polish Constitution guarantees academic freedom. Ordo Iuris opinion for the UN

- The UN Special Rapporteur is preparing a report on academic freedom and freedom of expression in educational institutions.

- The report is to be presented at the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council in June.

- The Ordo Iuris Institute has submitted its opinion on the matter.

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Institute Activity


Merry Christmas!

The Lord is coming into the world! He enters history, surrounded by the love in the Holy Family, in the meagerness of the Bethlehem stable.

We wish the truest joy, the source of which is the unceasing reception of the newborn Child into our families, homeland and the whole world, for the coming Christmas holidays and the new entire new year 2024.

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