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new york

Family and marriage


Gender demands at New York conference

· An event took place in New York to mark the second anniversary of the Nairobi Conference. The event was dedicated to promoting the radical demands of the so-called ‘Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights’ (SRHR) movement, including abortion as a method of family planning.

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Family and marriage


"How to effectively protect family, marriage and human life in the modern world" - the meeting with Ordo Iuris experts

"How to effectively protect family, marriage and human life in the modern world" - that is the subject of the meeting with Ordo Iuris experts, which will take place in New York.

The event will be attended by:

- dr Tymoteusz Zych - Vice President of Ordo Iuris

- Monika Leszczyńska - Membership Director

March 10 at 7:30 P.M.

St. Stanislaus Church

101E 7th street

Manhattan, New York

The meeting will be in Polish.

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