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Family and marriage


ECtHR: the illegal "acquisition" of parental rights from a surrogate does not give the right to adopt a child

· The European Court of Human Rights dismissed the complaint of a Norwegian woman who wanted to adopt a child of her ex-cohabitant, pointing out that she had previously "acquired" parental rights in the US from a surrogate.

· In Norway, the so-called surrogate motherhood is forbidden, therefore the local authorities did not recognize the consequences of the biological mother's renunciation of parental rights.

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Civil liberties


Another attempt by the European Union to use the economic agreement to impose an abortion agenda and LGBTIQ on the countries of the South

• The post-Cotonou agreement between the European Union and 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states has been negotiated to replace the previous twenty-year economic agreement between these two blocs.

• One of the priorities of the new binding treaty is to strengthen commitments to "comprehensive sex education" and "reproductive rights".

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The ECtHR will decide whether the courts should co-decide who can teach religion at school

· Soon the European Court of Human Rights will decide whether state courts are allowed to challenge the decision of the Church or other religious association to withdraw the mission of a catechist to teach religion at school.

· The canonical mission is a certificate of professional qualifications and moral attitude of a catechist issued by church authorities, which is a formal condition of employment at school.

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Family and marriage


Ordo Iuris before the ECtHR in defense of the dignity of women and children used in surrogacy


· The Strasbourg Court receives complaints against states that refuse to recognize the legal consequences of the so-called surrogacy - surrogacy.

· Surrogacy consists in hiring a woman who wishes to have children, who undertakes to undergo IVF, give birth to a child and transfer parental rights to the principals.

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Life protection


Another attempt to censor freedom of thought and speech in the European Union: 8 left-wing MEPs called for denying access to the EU spaces of all pro-life NGOs

· On 28 June 2022, eight Renew Europe MEPs wrote a letter to the President of the European Parliament demanding the immediate withdrawal of the accreditation of all conservative NGOs from EU premises.

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Family and marriage


The latest steps towards the spread of the abortion and LGBTIQ agenda in more than half of the UN member states: The European Union's attempt to use the post-Cotonou Agreement to interfere in the policies of Southern countries

· The Post-Cotonou Agreement between the European Union and 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) has been negotiated with the aim of replacing the previous 20-year economic accord among the two blocs of countries.

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