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Civil liberties


Settlement in the trial of Fr. prof. Dariusz Oko. The charge of "hate speech" dismissed

· The court in Cologne did not pass a judgment in the case of Fr. prof. Dariusz Oko. The process ended with a settlement.

· The clergyman will contribute a voluntary amount of $ 3,000 euro for victims of sexual crimes.

· Initially, Fr. Dariusz Oko was sentenced to 4.8 thousand. Euro fines for alleged incitement to hatred in the text on the so-called lavender mafia.

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Life protection


Katarzyna Gęsiak: The USA has a beautiful tradition of protecting the lives of unborn children

The opinion of the majority of the US judiciary in the case of the famous Roe v. Wade judgment caused a great stir in the public, mainly American opinion. It was published in early May on the website Regardless of the final shape of the Supreme Court's decision, the conclusion formulated in the title stems directly from the circumstances widely cited in the explanatory memorandum to the bill.

The myth of the pro-abortion United States

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Life protection


Ordo Iuris monitors compliance with the law in Polish hospitals

· The Ordo Iuris Institute sent requests to several hundred hospitals for access to public information on the number of abortions performed in a situation of pregnancy resulting from a criminal act.

· Media reports suggest that due to the war in Ukraine, the number of abortions performed on the basis of this premise may have increased in Poland.

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Strasbourg Court: Former Muslim converted to Christianity cannot be deported back to Pakistan

· The European Court of Human Rights upheld the complaint of a converted Muslim man against Christianity whom Switzerland wanted to deport back to Pakistan.

· The Swiss authorities took the view that the persecution of Christians in Pakistan was not serious enough to endanger the applicant's life and freedom in the event of his return.

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Life protection


Strasbourg Court: the conviction of a doctor for giving advice on how to commit suicide is legal

· The Strasbourg Court dismissed the complaint of a Danish doctor who had given advice on how to take his own life.

In 2019, Dr. Svend Lings was sentenced to a suspended prison sentence for the offense of assisted suicide. He also lost the right to practice.

The doctor is responsible for the death of at least two people.

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Defense of fundamental rights in the Iberian Peninsula. Ordo Iuris begins operations in Spain

· The Ordo Iuris Institute started operating in Spain.

· The first initiative of the Institute in this country is a petition to the authorities of the Kingdom with an appeal to observe the neutrality of public institutions required by law and to refrain from displaying ideological symbols in offices.

· It is Ordo Iuris' third overseas branch. The previous ones were created in Croatia and Ukraine.

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