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sexual and reproductive rights

Family and marriage


International agreement to be signed soon. Poland's opposition to an ideological interpretation of concepts

- The partnership agreement between the EU and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) is due to be signed on 15 November.

- The adoption of the agreement could result in, among other things, the pushing of the concept of so-called reproductive and sexual rights or gender theory.

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Life protection


UN: Attempt to include gender ideology demands in food security agreement

- The Committee on World Food Security is working on "Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition."

- The U.S. and the European Union have blocked the agreement by demanding that the document include terms referring to gender ideology, including "reproductive and sexual rights," among others.

- Some UN countries refused to sign the agreement in this form.

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Family and marriage


Gender demands at New York conference

· An event took place in New York to mark the second anniversary of the Nairobi Conference. The event was dedicated to promoting the radical demands of the so-called ‘Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights’ (SRHR) movement, including abortion as a method of family planning.

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Life protection


The EP has adopted the Matić report. It is a clear declaration of the direction chosen by the EU

• A debate was held in the European Parliament concerning the ‘Matić report’, which claims abortion is a human right and calls for limiting the freedom of conscience and banning any criticism of the ideological concept of ‘sexual rights’.

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