Informujemy, że Państwa dane osobowe są przetwarzane przez Fundację Instytut na Rzecz Kultury Prawnej Ordo Iuris z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Górnośląskiej 20/6, kod pocztowy 00-484 (administrator danych) w celu informowania o realizacji działań statutowych, w tym do informowania o organizowanych akcjach społecznych. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne. Informujemy, że przysługuje Państwu prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych i możliwości ich poprawiania.
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Civil liberties


Narratives Scorning Trump are a Tool to Push the Americans Out of Europe

– European countries are taking advantage of the ignorance of public opinion in their countries in order to criticise Donald Trump at every opportunity.

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Alliance for the Common Good - the answer of the crisis of Europe

  • Non-governmental organizations have created the Alliance for the Common Good headquartered in Warsaw and Budapest. The members of the Alliance signed the founding document today in the Hungarian capital.
  • At a press conference, the founding Hungarian and Polish institutes were accompanied by the Italian, Czech and Slovakian partners who joined the Alliance.
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Space of freedom and order: inauguration of Collegium Intermarium

Representatives of state authorities, outstanding academics and journalists from Poland and abroad take part in the conference inaugurating the establishment of Collegium Intermarium. The goal of the new university is to create a platform of co-operation between academics from the Intermarium region. Its flagship field of specialisation is law, but it also offers a rich programme of postgraduate study courses.

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Family and marriage


A manipulative report by an LGBT organisation Ordo Iuris responds to accusations against Poland

ILGA Europe, an organisation which includes LGBT activists from many countries, has published a report called “Rainbow Europe,” in which it accuses Poland of violating human rights.

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Life protection


Gender and LGBT supporter elected new Commissioner for Equality

Helena Dalli is a new member of the European Commission, and a proponent of same-sex couple and sexual and reproductive rights. The Maltese has taken the newly-created position of Commissar for Equality.

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