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Civil liberties


The European Union supports global health governance, against the voices of civil society

The second round of public hearings of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), set up to negotiate an international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, provided an opportunity for civil society organisations to make their voices heard in the drafting process of the new international agre

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Civil liberties


The European Commission plans to strengthen equality bodies

In the Summer 2021, The European Commission has published information on an initiative entitled. "Equality Bodies - Binding Standards". Subsequently, on the basis of a published document ('roadmaps') outlining the Commission's legislative ideas, the public was given the opportunity to participate in a public consultation and send in their views. However, the most interesting is yet to come, as for the fourth quarter of 2022. Commission has announced the adoption of the initiative.

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Life protection


World Health Summit in Berlin: central public health management and access to abortion in the Universal Healthcare System

From 16 to 18 October 2022, the World Health Summit took place in Berlin with the aim of bringing together global health leaders and private stakeholders from all sectors to discuss the challenges of future health threats and find solutions for enhancing global health in order to strengthen international cooperation. The World Health Summit 2022 is the first Summit to be hosted together with the World Health Organization, under the patronage of the Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the President of the Republic of France Emmanuel Macron.

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CJEU: EP resolution "on the first anniversary of the effective ban on abortion in Poland" is only a "non-binding call to action"

· The Court of Justice of the European Union issued a ruling on the resolution of the European Parliament of 11 November 2021.


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Civil liberties


The Strasbourg Court allows Christians to be insulted in their own churches

· The European Court of Human Rights found that French courts violated the right to freedom of speech of a feminist who stripped half-naked in St. Magdalene in Paris.


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Civil liberties


Limiting civil liberties under the guise of combating child abuse

· The European Union is working on a draft regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council "establishing rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse", prepared by the European Commission.


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