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Ordo Iuris

Life protection


A United Nations Committee categorizes protection of human life as torture – Commentary by Ordo Iuris Institute

Last month the United Nations Committee against Torture held a periodic review of implementation of the Convention against Torture by Poland.

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Civil liberties


The UN defend the victims of religious persecution

August 22 is celebrated as the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.

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Family and marriage


Norway gives way on the case of a mother who fled to Poland with her children

The Kingdom of Norway withdrew the European Arrest Warrant against a citizen of that country who had fled to Poland together with her daughters and son. Barnevernet, the Norwegian Child Welfare Authority, attempted to unreasonably take the children away from the woman. Earlier, the District Court in Myślibórz decided that minors could stay in Poland with their mother.

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Family and marriage


The Strasbourg Tribunal ruled in favor of the father, whose children were unjustly taken away

The European Court of Human Rights ruled that depriving a father of the possibility to maintain contact with his daughter based on false accusations of domestic violence constitutes a violation of his right to respect for private and family life.

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Civil liberties


The Polish court must request the European Parliament to waive the immunity of Guy Verhofstadt.

The European Parliament is going to consider the issue of waiving Guy Verhofstadt's immunity in connection with criminal proceedings initiated by Dr. Bawer Aondo-Akaa before the District Court in Warsaw.

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