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Civil liberties

Privileging certain groups and restricting freedom of speech in Poland just like in Western countries

• The Polish Sejm is working on a bill to criminalize so-called “hate speech”.

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Civil liberties


Censorship and restriction of the presumption of innocence under the guise of combating violence: a draft EP directive

· A draft directive on combating violence against women is being discussed in the European Parliament. 

· This draft may raise concerns due to its extremely broad definition of ‘violence’, as well as the government’s mandate to censor ‘offensive’ online content or its obligation to combat ‘harmful gender stereotypes’.

· The directive may also entail a restriction of the presumption of innocence in cases of sexual offences, by indirectly presuming a man’s guilt.

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Civil liberties


Anti-SLAPP directive may contribute to stifling public debate

A few weeks ago the European Parliament adopted a directive on „protecting persons who engage in public participation from manifestly unfounded or abusive court proveedings” („strategic lawsuits against public participation” - SLAPP).

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Civil liberties


Ordo Iuris in a battle against censorship on the Internet. There will be a lawsuit against Google

The lawyers of the Ordo Iuris Institute have filed a lawsuit against Google on behalf of Paweł Lisicki. The reason is that the programmes run by the journalist are described as allegedly spreading "hate speech".

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OSCE Conference: Ordo Iuris and journalists give a voice on censorship on the Internet

Many Internet users face the problem of censorship in social media. This was the focus of the debate organised by the Ordo Iuris Institute as part of the Warsaw conference of the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe.

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