Informujemy, że Państwa dane osobowe są przetwarzane przez Fundację Instytut na Rzecz Kultury Prawnej Ordo Iuris z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Górnośląskiej 20/6, kod pocztowy 00-484 (administrator danych) w celu informowania o realizacji działań statutowych, w tym do informowania o organizowanych akcjach społecznych. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne. Informujemy, że przysługuje Państwu prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych i możliwości ich poprawiania.
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Civil liberties


The conference on the Future of Europe was an illusion of democracy. Ordo Iuris sums up CoFoE

· The Conference on the Future of Europe - CoFoE was held in the European Union for a year.

· The project was intended to be an opportunity to listen to the will of EU citizens as regards the direction of reforms in the Union.

· In fact, CoFoE was used by EU stewards to obtain a bogus social card for their long-planned changes and projects.

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Civil liberties

Commentary to selected proposals of the Conference on the Future of Europe

This report comments on a large part of the recommendations made at the Conference. The issues dealt with are of particular importance for Poland’s sovereignty and Polish constitutional identity.


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The Conference on the Future of Europe is the beginning of the transformation of the EU into a federal state

· The final recommendations of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) have been published in recent days. They are aimed at further federalization of the European Union.

· The conference was promoted as a platform for public debate enabling citizens to express their views on the future of the European Union.

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