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collegium intermarium

Family and marriage


Family is strategically important for society - international scientific conference

- The demographic crisis is one of the most serious problems today.

- The international scientific conference "Cultural Aspects of Family Policy," organized by the Ordo Iuris Institute and Collegium Intermarium, was devoted to ways to solve it.

- Participants in the event focused on how culture affects people's attitudes about their family life.

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On the new quality of education - the importance of elite classical universities in Poland

· In recent weeks, at the invitation of the Ordo Iuris Institute and Collegium Intermarium, Canadian lawyer Professor Jane Adolphe visited Poland.

· Her stay ended with a press conference, during which the topic of the functioning of elite classical universities in Poland was discussed.

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A response to the crisis of academic life – an agreement between Collegium Intermarium and ISSEP

· Collegium Intermarium commences teaching with the start of the new academic year.

·  On 30 September, CI signed a partnership agreement with the French Institute of Social, Economic and Political Science (ISSEP).

·  The institute was represented by its founder – French politician Marion Maréchal.

·  The agreement constitutes a response to the “crisis of civilisation and academic life”.

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Collegium Intermarium: a place of truth in the times of “cancel culture”

With the beginning of the academic year, the Collegium Intermarium University will begin its didactic activity.

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Space of freedom and order: inauguration of Collegium Intermarium

Representatives of state authorities, outstanding academics and journalists from Poland and abroad take part in the conference inaugurating the establishment of Collegium Intermarium. The goal of the new university is to create a platform of co-operation between academics from the Intermarium region. Its flagship field of specialisation is law, but it also offers a rich programme of postgraduate study courses.

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