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Family and marriage


A report on “discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity” in Poland by a UN “independent expert”

• The UN Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity has published a statement summarizing his country visit to Poland.

• The purpose of the visit, undertaken at the invitation of the Polish government, was to identify the gaps in the protection against discrimination and suggest best practices for the government to eliminate all cases of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

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Family and marriage


Gender ideology: a source of discrimination. 2nd Defending Women’s Rights Conference

It is often the case that the exercise of women’s rights is hindered by the ideological approach to their very concept. The gender perspective often leads to misrepresentations which are primarily rooted in the perception of gender merely as a social construct, detached from its biological dimension. The 2nd Conference on Defending Women’s Rights, which featured female representatives from the spheres of science, politics, and social studies from across several countries, was devoted to precisely these issues.

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Hundreds of hate crimes against Christians in Europe - OSCE report

In recent years there have been numerous acts of hostility towards Christians in Poland and other countries. They are described in the latest report of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on hate crimes. It takes into account crimes reported by Ordo Iuris against Christians in Poland.

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