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The Ulma Family – The Blessed Samaritans of Markowa

Published: 24.03.2025

Ordo Iuris Infographic

On the 81st anniversary of the martyrdom of the Ulma family and the Jews they sheltered—who died at the hands of the German occupiers of Poland—the Ordo Iuris Institute is releasing a special commemorative infographic.

We encourage you to download and share it. You may print it and publish it in both traditional and social media.

The infographic is available for download below in both Polish and English.

Family and marriage


CJEU Mandates Change of Registered Gender Identity Upon Request, Citing EU Data Protection Regime

• An Iranian national granted asylum in Hungary requested that her registered female gender be changed to male, indicating that she is transgender. Her request was denied due to the lack of surgical gender reassignment.​

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Family and marriage


Multipartisan support in the Polish parliament for a citizens’ bill aimed at protecting children from online pornography.

· During its first reading, the Polish Sejm referred the citizens’ bill on protecting minors from online pornography to committee work.

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Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court Disregards Polish Constitution and Demands Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Cohabitation

• The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has upheld complaints from same-sex couples who were denied a certificate of no impediment to marriage abroad by a Polish registry office.

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Family and marriage


The Polish Parliament on March 6 Will Decide Whether to Protect Children from Online Pornography

The Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliament, will decide on March 6 whether to proceed with

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