Published: 15.11.2013
The very controversial Estrela report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights shall be voted in FEMM on the 26th of November.
Will Poland’s Law and Justice (PiS) go down the same path as Western Europe’s Center Right?
A considerable portion of the public which can be generally described as liberal accepts the decision by Warsaw Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski to remove religious symbols from Warsaw offices as uncontroversial.
- According to polls, a majority of Poles support an increased legal availability of prenatal killing than the public has access to at present. This support fluctuates, however, depending on how a poll’s questions are formulated.
- Spanish authorities have banned public prayer, including the recitation of the rosary for the homeland. The decision is in response to mass protests by the population expressing opposition to the amnesty of Catalan separatists.
- States, by introducing legislation criminalising silent prayer, are violating the right to freedom of thought and conscience, which is a fundamental human right.