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Happy Easter!

Published: 30.03.2024

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May the Ressurrected Lord become the source of courage for all of us and for the entire Nation in proclaiming the truth adn in defense of true freedom of our families and Fatherland.

On behalf on the entire team of Ordo Iuris Institute, we wish a beautiful family Easter, which fills with joy and spiritual strenght.

Institute Activity


Download the brochure about Ordo Iuris

The Ordo Iuris Institute is an independent research and litigation center that shapes the social debate as a defender of life, family, freedom, and Poland’s Christian heritage. By providing legal professionalism, scholarly activities, education, and precedent-setting litigation intervention, we strengthen both national and international guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms.

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Institute Activity


Merry Christmas!

Looking toward the Holy Family, we rediscover the beauty of the natural order, where marriages joined together by God's love enable maternal “fiat” said to life, and inspire paternal devotion and sacrifice. May the experience of family security, goodness and beauty fill our homes, kindling us to serve life, marriage and family with ever greater urgency.

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Institute Activity


Polish legal profession on purges in courts planned by Polish PM Donald Tusk and Justice Minister Adam Bodnar

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and his Justice Minister Adam Bodnar presented on September 6 the assumptions for a draft law on the status of judges who were appointed or promoted to higher positions after 2018.

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Institute Activity


When liberals stop believing in democracy – A video interview with Polish journalist Paweł Lisicki

Polish journalist and essayist Paweł Lisicki, editor-in-chief of the weekly Do Rzeczy, describes the current disturbing evolution of Western liberalism and explains the reasons why classical liberalism, based on individual freedom and limited state interference in the personal lives of citizens, is no longer working.

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