Published: 04.10.2013
The report condemns abortion when it is based on pre-natal sex selection and recalls that the genocide based on sex is a crime and a violation of human rights. The European Parliament also calls on governments to take action for a fundamental change in public opinion in order to stop abusive behavior and violence against women.
88 MEPs reported amendments to the resolution to emphasize human dignity. Ordo Iuris, in correspondence with members of the Parliament, argued in support of the amendments at the stage of reporting and before the voting on the plenary session.
The only amendment to the resolution, which was accepted by the majority of MEPs, is the “budget amendment” (§ 41). The European Parliament asserts that, when implementing the specific clauses on the prohibition on coercion or compulsion in sexual and reproductive health matters agreed on at the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development, as well as the legally binding international human rights instruments, the acquis communautaire and the Union’s policy competencies in those matters, Union assistance should not be provided to any authority, organisation or programme which promotes, supports or participates in the management of any action which involves such human rights abuses as coercive abortion, forced sterilisation of women or men, or determination of foetal sex resulting in prenatal sex selection or infanticide.
• On December 1-3, in the plenary hall of the Spanish Senate, members of the Political Network for Values from 45 countries, from the four continents bordering the Atlantic, met at the “VI Transatlantic Summit.” Among them were representatives of the Ordo Iuris Institute, which co-organized thi
“Intensive work on treaty reform in order to bring about a more centralized European Union has been ongoing over the past four years. In 2022, the final report resulting from the “Conference on the Future of Europe” was published.
A discussion in Warsaw, Poland, on October 3 about the neo-Marxist drift in the United States, based on Stephen Baskerville’s latest book “Who Lost America? Why the United States Went “Communist” and What to Do About It.”
The Ordo Iuris Institute, with the participation of the Heritage Foundation is proud to host the international conference: "