Jan Napoleon Saykiewicz Ph.D. - doctor of economics, educator, social and Polish diaspora activist, professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Discipline: applied economics, economic management, business management. Research interests: economic and social effects of transformation processes. Studies at SGPiS in Warsaw, the University of Warsaw and the University of California in Berkeley. Work in Warsaw, Pittsburgh, Berkeley, New York, Beijing, Rome. Former president of the International Management Development Association (IMDA). A long-term member of the Board of the Polish Scientific Institute in America (PIASA). One of the founders of the Federation of Consumer Protection in Poland. Longtime Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Pennsylvania. He has Polish and foreign decorations and distinctions. Mentioned in: 'Who is Who in America'; 'Who is Who in American Education'; 'Polonia Biographical Dictionary'; 'Golden Book of Polish Science'.