Professor at the University of Rzeszów, Head of the Department of Economic Law. Previously, he worked at the University of Silesia. For many years he has specialized in broadly understood Competition Law, Arbitration Law, EU Law, and recently Information Law. He is the author of over 200 publications and over a dozen books. He cooperates with numerous research centers in Poland and abroad. He often does internships or lectures there. In particular, these are US universities, eg Indiana Bloomington University, but also lectured at several European and Indian universities. At the invitation of ABA from the USA, he conducted research at the FTC in Washington (US Federal Trade Commission) and at the Antitrust Division of the US Ministry of Justice. He is a co-founder of the First Subcarpathian Court of Arbitration, where he served as president for over 10 years. Recently, in addition to research work, Jan Olszewski performs numerous expert tasks.