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rule of law

Institute Activity


“The perpetrators of the constitutional crisis will face consequences” – A Declaration by the Legal Community

· A meeting of representatives of the Polish legal community took place in the Collegium Intermarium’s auditorium, where the participants adopted a declaration of agreement on June 15.

· Its signatories are opposed to the current authorities’ disregard for the constitutional principles of the Republic of Poland through, among other things, questioning the independence of the courts and the independence of judges, as well as by taking over the prosecutors’ offices and the public media.

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How is Poland “restoring the rule of law”? At the request of Ordo Iuris, the Ministry of Justice has made their Action Plan available

– The Ministry of Justice has made available to the Ordo Iuris Institute the Action Plan on Restoring the Rule of Law.

– This document was presented to the EU Member States and the European Commission by the Minister of Justice at a meeting of the Council of the European Union in February of this year.

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Institute Activity



In response to a number of unlawful actions of specific public authorities, which violate the legal order of the Republic of Poland, starting with the Constitution itself, and undertaken after 13 December 2023, we, the Polish lawyers, hereby warn all those breaking the law, supporting and inciting such actions, that all such actions shall be documented i

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Civil liberties


Poland is to be "starved"?

For a few years now, the word "rule of law" has been used in all cases and given as an argument for successive interventions by the European Commission and other international bodies in our national affairs. Not only the reform of the judiciary, but also the defense of the border against waves of migrants brought in by Putin and Lukashenko, the exploitation of the Turow mine, and even... forest management plans - everything turns out to violate the "rule of law."

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Ordo Iuris calls for greater transparency in NGO funding - European Commission consultation

· The European Commission has organized an annual review of the state of the rule of law in all EU countries.

· The Ordo Iuris Institute has again been invited to take part in the consultation of the report.

· The result of the consultations will be the preparation of a European Commission report on the state of the rule of law in Poland.

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Civil liberties


The mechanism of holding states accountable to the rule of law undermines the democratic nature of the European Union

· There has been a so-called dispute over the rule of law between Poland and the European Commission since 2017.

· In recent weeks, the European Commission has published another edition of the "Report on the rule of law", in which it repeats the accusations against Poland and makes recommendations aimed at improving the state of the rule of law.

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