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same-sex marriages

Family and marriage


ECHR ruling incompatible with the Polish Constitution. Court demands legal recognition of same-sex cohabitation

• The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has upheld the latest complaints by same-sex couples against Poland.

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Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court once again tries to impose institutionalization of same-sex unions

- The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Bulgaria's failure to institutionalize same-sex unions violates the right to respect for family and private life.

- Bulgaria is the next country after Italy, Ukraine, Romania and Russia to be forced by the ECHR to institutionalize same-sex unions. 

- The Court leaves states free only to choose the form of institutionalization - same-sex unions do not have to be called "marriages."

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Family and marriage


An LGBTI strategy to violate Member States’ family attribution through a imbricated treatment of the freedom of movements

The SSM discourse is working hard to establish the idea that EU Member States that do not legally recognize the same-sex marriages being contracted in another EU Member State, commit “serious violations of one of the fundamental EU principles – freedom of movement of citizens”. Clearly the intention of this argument is to convince the politicians and the general public that the free movement of persons requires the possibility that “every” family (defined as every kind of partnership), shall be able to move together in the EU.

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