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Poland’s EU favorite Donald Tusk now fighting real democracy with “militant democracy”

The broad right wing in Poland (considered “enemies of liberal democracy”) should be stripped of civil rights – that is, according to those who would implement the “militant democracy” concept, now openly promoted by EU-supported Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

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At the Threshold of the State of Europe: Economy, Defense, Ideology, and Protection of Sovereignty in a Transatlantic Perspective

The Ordo Iuris Institute, with the participation of the Heritage Foundation is proud to host the international conference: "

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Civil liberties

Summary of the report “Why Do We Need Sovereignty?”

Through the proposed amendments to the European Union treaties, the unelected European Commission aims to "build a superstate that will be highly centralized in the economic, military, political, and social areas". If this plan succeeds, it will create a strong center of power centered on Germany. The latter will be able to impose important policies against the will of a majority of the Member States, disregarding their security and economic interests as well as their social, legal, national, and cultural identity.

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Civil liberties


Summary of the report "Why Do We Need Sovereignty?”

Through the proposed amendments to the European Union treaties, the unelected European Commission aims to "build a superstate that will be highly centralized in the economic, military, political, and social areas". If this plan succeeds, it will create a strong center of power centered on Germany.

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Civil liberties


Why do we need sovereignty? Ordo Iuris report on the reform of the EU Treaties

- Work on reforming the EU treaties is underway in the European Union.

- The changes under way may lead to a significant reduction in Poland's sovereignty in key areas such as international policy, health, border protection or monetary policy.

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Civil liberties


Hungary protects its sovereignty - Ordo Iuris analysis

- In December 2023, Hungary's National Assembly passed the Law on the Protection of National Sovereignty, aimed at protecting the country's independence from the influence and political interference of broader external actors.

- Under this legislative act, a new state administration body dedicated to protecting Hungary's independence will be created, functioning as the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty.

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