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Strasbourg Tribunal

Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court Disregards Polish Constitution and Demands Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Cohabitation

• The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has upheld complaints from same-sex couples who were denied a certificate of no impediment to marriage abroad by a Polish registry office.

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Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court: state can refuse to recognize man as mother and woman as father

· The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has dismissed complaints against decisions by German civil registry offices that refused to enter information on birth certificates that did not conform to the biological sex of two people.

· The first case involved a woman who changed her metric sex from female to male on her documents and began hormone therapy. After stopping the therapy, she gave birth to a child conceived through in vitro fertilization.

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Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court: state has no obligation to recognize "third sex"

· The European Court of Human Rights has dismissed the complaint of a French man suffering from hermaphroditism who demanded that a notation of "neutral" or "intersex" gender be entered on his birth certificate.

· The courts refused, pointing out that his request was essentially a demand for the establishment of a "third gender," while French law only recognizes male and female sex.

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Civil liberties


The Strasbourg Court allows Christians to be insulted in their own churches

· The European Court of Human Rights found that French courts violated the right to freedom of speech of a feminist who stripped half-naked in St. Magdalene in Paris.


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Life protection


European Court of Human Rights: 64-year-old woman euthanasia due to depression is allowed

· The Strasbourg Court dismissed the complaint of a Belgian man whose mother had been euthanized the day after her death.


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Civil liberties


She laughed at the Bible. Poland will pay her 10,000 euros?

The European Court of Human Rights found that the conviction of Dorota "Doda" Rabczewska for contempting the Bible was… a violation of human rights. It is about the singer's provocative words, according to which the Scriptures "wrote down someone smeared with wine and smoking some herbs". Although the Polish court sentenced the celebrity to a fine of 5,000 PLN, and the Constitutional Tribunal (in the old composition) found it consistent with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, now Poland is to pay the singer 10 thousand.

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