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Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court once again tries to impose institutionalization of same-sex unions

- The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Bulgaria's failure to institutionalize same-sex unions violates the right to respect for family and private life.

- Bulgaria is the next country after Italy, Ukraine, Romania and Russia to be forced by the ECHR to institutionalize same-sex unions. 

- The Court leaves states free only to choose the form of institutionalization - same-sex unions do not have to be called "marriages."

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Family and marriage


Bulgaria's Supreme Court: judicial "sex change" is impossible

· Bulgaria's Supreme Court has ruled that "gender reassignment" through legal proceedings is inadmissible under Bulgaria's current state of the law.

· The Supreme Court stressed that "gender is recognized at birth and defines a person until death."

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Family and marriage


Ordo Iuris intervenes in Strasbourg to defend the identity of marriage

Two Bulgarian women have filed a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights against their own country, whose authorities refused to register their ‘marriage’ concluded in the United Kingdom.

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Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court judgment contrary to biological facts. Bulgarian authorities must recognise a woman as a man

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) sided with a Bulgarian woman who, contrary to Bulgarian law, demanded that she be recognised as a man. The courts refused to register her as a man in the civil status records, as her legal gender must correspond to her biological gender.

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Family and marriage


Bulgarians in defence of family. International support for the petition

A coalition of experts and leaders of pro-family organisations from several European countries supported the petition initiated by the Ordo Iuris Institute against the accession of the European Union to the Istanbul Convention.

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