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Civil liberties


Escalating persecution of Christians in Nicaragua - politicians and Church responses ineffective

- The scale of repression against the faithful of the Roman Catholic Church is growing rapidly in Nicaragua, whose representatives have criticized the unlawful actions of President Daniel Ortega.

- Among other things, Ortega's regime is making mass arrests of clergy, confiscating church property, censoring prayers, banning processions and pastoral ministry in prisons.

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Civil liberties


More and more Christians among victims of war in the Holy Land

- The escalation of the armed conflict between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip may cause the already sparse Christian minority to disappear from the area.

- Israeli authorities officially condemn attacks on religious minorities, but their actions do not actually work.

- The demands of the UN General Assembly do not find understanding from the Israeli authorities.

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State funding of religious education is the norm in most EU countries

- The Concordat imposes certain obligations on the state in the sphere of religious instruction in public school, in particular the obligation to organise religious instruction.

- The legislator has thus obliged the public authorities to bear the costs of organising religious instruction, although this is not explicitly included in the legislation.

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Civil liberties


Christians attacked across OSCE region

· The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe has published a report on hate crimes against Christians in 46 countries in 2022.

· The publication includes reports of cases recorded by the Ordo Iuris Institute.

· Situations described included assaulting and threatening to kill Catholic priests, acts of vandalism, disrupting a mass or attack with a dangerous instrument.

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Civil liberties


Wave of violence against Christians in Poland. Ordo Iuris report for the OSCE

· The Ordo Iuris Institute has once again submitted a report to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe showing the scale of religiously motivated aggression against Christians in Poland.

· In 2022, the Institute recorded 77 such incidents in our country.

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Civil liberties


The Strasbourg Court allows Christians to be insulted in their own churches

· The European Court of Human Rights found that French courts violated the right to freedom of speech of a feminist who stripped half-naked in St. Magdalene in Paris.


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