· The court in Cologne did not pass a judgment in the case of Fr. prof. Dariusz Oko. The process ended with a settlement.
· The clergyman will contribute a voluntary amount of $ 3,000 euro for victims of sexual crimes.
· Initially, Fr. Dariusz Oko was sentenced to 4.8 thousand. Euro fines for alleged incitement to hatred in the text on the so-called lavender mafia.
· Professor Fr Manfred Hauke, publisher of the magazine ‘Theologisches’, has received two convictions in conne
• Ján Orosch, Archbishop of Trnava in Slovakia, expressed his support for Rev. Prof.
● Rev. prof. Dariusz Oko was sentenced with an injunction to a fine of EUR 4,800 for ‘inciting hatred’ as part of an article published in Thelogisches, a scientific journal.
● Also convicted is the editor-in-chief of Thelogisches.
● The article discussed the phenomenon of an intra-ecclesial organised crime group linked by homosexual practices, acting to the detriment of minors and using clerics dependent on it.