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Settlement in the trial of Fr. prof. Dariusz Oko. The charge of "hate speech" dismissed

Published: 24.05.2022

Adobe Stock

· The court in Cologne did not pass a judgment in the case of Fr. prof. Dariusz Oko. The process ended with a settlement.

· The clergyman will contribute a voluntary amount of $ 3,000 euro for victims of sexual crimes.

· Initially, Fr. Dariusz Oko was sentenced to 4.8 thousand. Euro fines for alleged incitement to hatred in the text on the so-called lavender mafia.

· Ultimately, the prosecutor withdrew from prosecuting the Polish priest.

· Legal assistance of Fr. Dariusz Oko was granted the Ordo Iuris Institute.

The case concerned an article that appeared in the journal Theologisches. The text described the activities of the so-called lavender mafia, i.e. a group of interconnected people operating among the clergy who act to the detriment of minors and seminarians. This clique was connected with homosexual practices. Fr. Oko in his article referred to, inter alia, on the teaching of Popes Benedict XVI and Francis.

The clergyman received numerous expressions of support for his actions. The petition launched by Ordo Iuris in his defense was signed by approx. 85 thousand. people. On the side of the clergyman, among others, Cardinal Gerhard Müller from Germany, Archbishop Ján Orosch from Slovakia, Bishop Radoslav Zmitrovitch from Ukraine or Vladimir Palko, former vice-minister of internal affairs of Slovakia and a writer.

An appeal hearing was held in a court in Cologne in the trial of Fr. prof. Eye. The judge said she did not question the priest's findings on the activities of the "lavender mafia". She only pointed out that Fr. The eye should not use certain phrases in his works. Therefore, the prosecutor withdrew from the indictment, agreeing to the payment by the clergyman of the amount of PLN 3,000. euro for victims of sexual crimes.

Such a decision means that the article by Fr. prof. The eye can be further published. The clergyman can also publish his book in Germany The Lavender Mafia. The allegation of the alleged "hate speech" of Fr. The eye was therefore considered unfounded.

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