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The Ordo Iuris Institute awarded at the World Congress of Families in Mexico

Published: 08.10.2022

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• Another, 14th edition of the World Congress of Families took place in Mexico.


• It is an international event that aims to unite the leaders of pro-family environments and organizations, as well as families.


• It aims to emphasize and strengthen the value of the family as the natural and basic environment of every human being, crucial both for their personal development and for society as a whole.


• The Congress is organized annually by the American International Organization for the Family.


• The Ordo Iuris Institute was invited to participate in one of the discussion panels and awarded for its activities in the area of ​​family support.


• The organizers indicate that about five thousand people attended the conference organized at Expo Santa Fe in Mexico City.


The World Congress of Families brings together individuals and organizations that defend and promote the institution of the family through various activities. The first presentation panel of "Strong Families, Sustainable Societies" was attended by people such as Jim Daly, Wilford W. Andersen, Valerie Huber - an official of the health department in the administration of President Trump, Princess Gloria Von Thurn und Taxis and Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, former prefect of the Congregation The Doctrine of the Faith.


"Everyone I talked to in my life knows that having a family is the greatest gift from God in the whole world," emphasized Princess Gloria Von Thurn und Taxis.


On the second day of the Congress, one of the discussion panels was devoted to people involved in the protection of human rights, including the protection of the family. The discussion was attended by social activists and lawyers from the USA, Mexico and Serbia, as well as Weronika Przebierała, director of the International Law Center of the Ordo Iuris Institute. During the discussion, the speakers presented a number of initiatives that have recently been taken in various regions of the world to defend the family and life.


“We cannot ignore the violations of the rights of certain groups of people, in the hope that our own right to life, dignity, freedom of speech or freedom of religious expression will not be violated soon after. The violation of one of these freedoms is a violation of the entirety of freedom, because it is indivisible. Therefore, those who want to protect and promote human rights and freedoms must protect and promote each of them”, indicated Weronika Przebierała, Director of the Ordo Iuris Center for International Law.

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