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Family and marriage


There is no international consensus against the Istanbul Convention. Ordo Iuris memorandum for MPs

- The first reading of the civic bill "Yes to family, no to gender" is underway in the Sejm.

- This bill concerns consent to the denunciation of the Istanbul Convention and the creation of a Team for the development of the principles of the International Convention on the Rights of the Family

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Family and marriage


Czech Senate against the ratification of the Istanbul Gender Convention. Senators read the Ordo Iuris study

- The Senate of the Czech Republic has rejected a draft resolution to consent to the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, which questions the existence of two genders by introducing the concept of "socio-cultural gender" into the legal order - gender.

- The Czech portal 'Seznam Zprávy' revealed that, before the final decision was made, the senators read an analysis by the Ordo Iuris Institute, which in 2020 was translated into 17 languages, including the Czech language.

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Family and marriage


The 6-year-old will stay with her parents. Norway may have violated the Human Rights Convention

- The District Court in Warsaw granted the request of the District Prosecutor's Office and defense counsel and refused to extradite the parents of the 6-year-old to Norway.

- The mother left with her daughter for Poland in 2022, fearing intervention by the Norwegian children's agency Barnevernet due to the woman's alleged drug use.

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Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court once again tries to impose institutionalization of same-sex unions

- The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Bulgaria's failure to institutionalize same-sex unions violates the right to respect for family and private life.

- Bulgaria is the next country after Italy, Ukraine, Romania and Russia to be forced by the ECHR to institutionalize same-sex unions. 

- The Court leaves states free only to choose the form of institutionalization - same-sex unions do not have to be called "marriages."

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Family and marriage


Family is strategically important for society - international scientific conference

- The demographic crisis is one of the most serious problems today.

- The international scientific conference "Cultural Aspects of Family Policy," organized by the Ordo Iuris Institute and Collegium Intermarium, was devoted to ways to solve it.

- Participants in the event focused on how culture affects people's attitudes about their family life.

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Family and marriage


Threat to family autonomy. EC working on integrated child protection systems

- The European Commission has published a call for comments on an initiative on integrated child protection systems.

- Consultations with private and public sector actors are due to end on October 20.

- The Ordo Iuris Institute is monitoring the Commission's work on the compatibility of the proposed regulations with the provisions of the Treaties.

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