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Over 100 million dollars to propagate the gender ideology. The UN is working on a ‘feminist strategy’

Published: 22.04.2021

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The United Nations once again tried to smuggle such concepts as reproductive and sexual rights, sex education or right to abortion into the international discourse. The first part of the Generation Equality Forum, postponed due to the pandemic, was held in Mexico. One of the purposes of the event was to develop the ‘feminist strategy’. The organisers pledged to donate at least 100 million dollars to propagate the gender ideology and combat ‘gender stereotypes’. During the Forum, Bill and Melinda Gates were among those who promised to support feminist movements financially.

The event, initially scheduled to take place in 2020, was intended to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action – the document adopted by the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. The Forum was convened by UN Women in collaboration with the French and Mexican Governments and with support from NGOs. The event consists of two parts – it started in Mexico City and it will culminate in Paris.

The organisers claim that one of the goals of the Forum is to develop a multilateral feminist strategy in order to propagate and promote accelerated change towards gender equality by 2030. The other aims are to establish a joint ‘Coalition for action’ (through partnership with various entities in order to enable urgent action to be taken at a larger scale) and to create a multilateral alliance of countries for similar purposes.

The event was held online. The Conference included a number of interactive sessions attended by representatives of Governments, NGOs, LGBT activists and stakeholders from the private sector. They were supposed to ‘celebrate’ the power of activism and feminist solidarity as well as to come up with joint strategies to support gender equality. In the end, the organisers pledged to donate at least 100 million dollars to accelerate efforts to propagate the gender ideology and combat so-called gender stereotypes. The host of the event – the Government of Mexico – proclaimed to introduce ‘revolutionary changes’ in its State by implementing an ideological agenda in order to intensify efforts towards cultural change and to ‘root out’ stereotypes. The event also engaged Bill and Melinda Gates, known for their extensive activity to propagate ideological solutions and finance abortion. They promised to provide financing to feminist movements to accelerate change.

States that wish to join the coalition of the Forum are required to make so-called voluntary ‘commitments’. This is a new idea to try and influence the existing international law. Although the commitments are non-binding and voluntary, they have a strong impact on the language used by international organisations. Their real goal is to undermine the existing consensus on such matters as reproductive rights, abortion and the equality of men and women. The objective of the Nairobi Summit was to undermine the conclusions of the Cairo Conference (1994), namely that abortion cannot be considered as one of the family planning methods and that every community is obliged to minimise abortion. Similarly, the Generation Equality Forum is supposed to redefine the commitments of the Beijing Conference (1995).Importantly, the Beijing Conference introduced the concept of ‘gender’ to the international official language, yet the states emphasised that it should be interpreted neutrally – as man and woman in cultural context. In no event was it supposed to be linked with the radical concept of femininity and masculinity as solely social constructs developed over the ages as a result of the eternal struggle between the sexes. Also, the Beijing Conference reaffirmed the commitment adopted in Cairo to reduce the number of abortions. Despite numerous efforts made by radical circles over the span of 25 years, the UN Member States never consented to changing those commitments.

“In Nairobi, the new tactic to circumvent the international consensus and establish alternative solutions, allegedly applicable only to some states and organisations, was applied for the first time. Last year showed that their real goal is to influence the official language of international law, and in particular soft international law by repeatedly – despite the opposition of so many states – proposing instruments founded on the controversial conclusions of the Nairobi Summit. Undoubtedly, the same strategy will be applied to the expected ‘commitments’ of the Generation Equality Forum,” emphasises Karolina Pawłowska, Director of the Ordo Iuris International Law Centre.

Representatives of the Ordo Iuris Institute attended the key events of the Mexico Forum. As has already been noted, the Forum was preparatory to the culminating event scheduled to take place in Paris in July this year.


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