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"We defend the right to life in all its stages." Ordo Iuris at international conference in Argentina

Published: 14.06.2023

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- An international conference took place in Buenos Aires, providing a space for debate for young leaders from countries in North and South America, as well as Europe.

- The event was dedicated to discussing the challenges of the 21st century in areas such as the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms, increasing globalization or cultural strife, among others.

- Participants included politicians, NGO representatives, academics and influencers from Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Cuba, Honduras, Mexico, USA, Italy, Paraguay, Hungary and Spain.

- The Ordo Iuris Institute also received an invitation to speak at a panel discussion and share experiences.

- The event concluded with the adoption of the "Buenos Aires Charter."

- The signatories of the document expressed support for the protection of human life, freedom of expression, assembly or religion, the fight against terrorism and other criminal activities, as well as the protection of private property and economic development of the people of the Americas.

- Participants also drew attention to the destructive activities of leftist movements that lead to violations of basic human rights.


The conference aimed to bring together young leaders from countries in North and South America, as well as Europe. The event was a response to the complexity of the geopolitical situation in the world, the power struggles of various political-ideological realities, making it difficult for young people to make their region a place where freedom and legal order are fully respected.

The basic tenets that guided the organizers of the conference were: freedom, understood as an essential dimension of the individual, the protection of which is crucial, necessary and indispensable; transparency as an indispensable premise of a political and social leader; dialogue, as the basis for debate and the generation of sustainable public policies; youth involvement in the political and social realities around us; and leadership to face the challenges of the 21st century boldly and openly.

The Ordo Iuris Institute was also invited to participate in the event. The foundation was represented by Veronika Przebierała, director of the Center for International Law, who, in a panel discussion on the activities of think tanks in the area of the protection of life, family and freedom, drew attention to the consequences of remaining passive in the face of actions that restrict individual freedom, which can be successfully carried out even in countries perceived as democratic.

The conference concluded with the adoption of the "Buenos Aires Charter," providing an ideological basis for the Forum participants' subsequent activities. The content of the document focuses on the protection of freedom, the rule of law and private property. The signatories agreed to work together in defense of these values.

Participants in the event stressed in the charter that they had gathered "to lay the foundations for a continent-wide political architecture aimed at coordinating efforts to defend life, liberty, sovereignty, security and economic prosperity." They pointed out that "globalist powers" are behind the activities of leftist movements that aim to "destroy the fundamental values of Western culture and thereby weaken the power of nations, directly attacking the strength and self-determination of nations and their sovereignty." The Charter pointed out that leftist forces often "exploit media concentration and promote censorship," which "in many cases has led to violations of the most basic human rights."

The signatories also noted that the activities of these movements also lead to an economic crisis "that makes us poorer every day." The Charter said that "subsidies and benefits, which should be temporary relief mechanisms, have become tools of the cruelest political demagoguery." The resulting insecurity "hinders the maintenance of social peace and threatens the basic rights of all people." Conference participants also pointed to "structural corruption at all levels of the state."

The panelists pledged to work for the unification of America's sovereign nations. They also expressed "condemnation of all forms of political action that resort to violence." They also declared that they would defend freedom, which is "the inherent right of every human being." The Charter stressed that this means defending "the sacred right to life in all its stages and manifestations." The signatories also stated that they "uphold the right to property, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of association." They further pledged to "combat drug trafficking, terrorism and all types of transnational organized crime."

The Charter also condemned "the suppression of taxpayers with taxes, the fiscal deficit, uncontrolled money issuance and the massive increase in public debt." The signatories supported "productive policies that ensure the dignity of labor, the use and care of our natural resources and the development of our economic potential." They stressed that they seek "cross-cutting economic development."

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