The Sejm Foreign Affairs Committee and the Justice and Human Rights Committee have not yet begun works on the citizens’ initiative ‘Yes to Family, No to Gender’. Its aim is to denounce the Istanbul Convention and replace it with the Convention on the Rights of the Family.
The Sejm decided to submit the citizens’ bill “Yes to Family, No to Gender” to the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Justice and Human Rights Committee. Earlier, MPs did not agree to a complete rejection of the proposal. The aim of the initiative is to denounce the gender-based Istanbul Convention and replace it with the Convention on the Rights of the Family.
The Marshal of ‘Sejm’ Elżbieta Witek has adopted a notification of the establishment of a Committee of Legislative Initiative “Yes to the family, no to gender ideology”. Its purpose is to denounce the gender-focused Istanbul Convention by Poland and to begin working on the Convention on the Rights of the Family. The registration of the Committee shall mean the start of the official collection of signatures under the draft law.
The Istanbul Convention is a document that constantly causes controversy both in Poland and in other European countries. Under the guise of combating violence, it introduces many radical proposals of gender ideology. The documents issued by GREVIO, i.e.
The Sejm has registered the Citizens’ Initiative Committee “Yes to Family, No to Gender”. The initiative is aimed at terminating the Istanbul Convention by the Polish government. The Committee has submitted the first 3,500 signatures under the project.