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Supreme Court ruling on the display of anti-abortion banners

Published: 14.07.2022

Adobe Stock

The Supreme Court upheld a cassation appeal in the case of Dr. Bawer Aondo-Akaa, a prolife activist defended by Ordo Iuris lawyers. A cassation appeal was filed by the Public Prosecutor General. The reason for his previous conviction was the display of posters showing the effects of abortion. The District Court considered this to be a prank designed to cause scandal in a public place, i.e. an act that fulfills the features of Art. 51 § 1 of the Code of Petty Offenses. The Supreme Court stated that presenting photos of abortion victims is not a freak and does not have a bad and demoralizing influence on the environment. The Supreme Court also emphasized that the behavior did not fulfill the criteria of Art. 141 KW, i.e. presenting indecent announcements or drawings. 

The Supreme Court found that the accused acted within the limits of the freedom of speech guaranteed by Art. 54 sec. 1 of the Constitution and Art. 10 (1) of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The decision confirms the current line of jurisprudence. The Ordo Iuris has already obtained over 120 decisions to discontinue or acquit defenders of life in similar cases. However, the few convictions raised concerns. The judgment of the Supreme Court will be cited in several dozen pending cases of defenders of life and will probably lead to the end of the prosecution of prolife exhibitions by pro-abortion activists.




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