Published: 30.03.2023
With the participation of our lawyers, there has been a recent conviction of the first person supplying chemical abortifacients in Poland. Following the blow, we are preparing a strike against the illegal abortion underworld. Justyna W.'s case proves that law enforcement agencies are far more likely to take action against abortion criminals when notices point them to specific individuals who have been supplied with dangerous abortifacients.
Breakthrough verdict in the fight against the abortion underworld
When we began the fight against abortion crime in Poland, many said that it would never be possible to punish activists and organizations that mock Polish law, praising pills that poison babies and proclaiming that "Abortion is OK!". Their unfettered activity is the death of thousands of innocent lives.
The abortion promoters, who called themselves the "Abortion Dream Team," openly boasted about the numbers of babies killed. They advertised their activities on the Internet, in the media and even from the parliamentary rostrum. They were supported by journalists, publicists, politicians and even representatives of the United Nations. It was a real festival of contempt for Polish law.
However, justice has triumphed
With the participation of our lawyers, the conviction of the first person supplying chemical abortifacients in Poland has just taken place. The Warsaw-Prague District Court sentenced Justyna W. of the Abortion Dream Team for transferring abortifacients to eight months of restriction of liberty.
After proceeding to trial at each hearing, we endured threats, malice and poszturchiwania. I entered the courtroom under the protection of the police. And the assembled pro-abortion demonstrators invaded with their bicycles and spat on attorney Jerzy Kwasniewski. However, it was all worth patiently enduring. Our participation allowed attorney Jakub Slonowski to present to the court a legal argument in favor of applying the norms of criminal law to protect the life of the unborn. Ultimately, my closing speech, ripped out by abortion activists, was reflected in the verdict.
In an interview, the defendant said that the presence of Ordo Iuris lawyers in the courtroom was like a sentence for her. That's why her defense attorneys did not want to allow us into the trial, and then tried unsuccessfully to exclude us from it. The Abortion Dream Team rushed to triumph and posted a graphic on its Facebook page in which a smiling Justyna W. stands by a tombstone with the Ordo Iuris logo. The case was said to be our "discredit and social funeral."
The trial was followed by leftist media from around the world. Reporters were sent by the Associated Press, the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and even Indian television and... the Arab Al-Jazeera.
Fortunately, the court did not succumb to immense pressure from the abortion lobby and the leftist media. Aware of the image risk, the judge gave evidence of real independence and simply "was the mouthpiece of the law" that protects human life from conception and prohibits assisted abortion.
This, of course, is not the end of our struggle for justice and the application of existing law. The convicted has already announced an appeal, and our lawyers will continue to be fully involved in this crucial proceeding. However, a conviction in the first instance completely changes the conditions under which abortion promoters operate.
To give courage to abortion activists, the convicted Justyna W. announced that she does not intend to give up her criminal activity. In an interview with Polityka, she recounted that she herself had performed a "home abortion," dancing after taking pills in front of the TV with her three living children to the beat of the song "I bend my body boldly."
Law enforcement agencies begin to crack down on abortion crime
Following the blow, we are preparing a strike against the illegal abortion underworld. The case of Justyna W. proves that law enforcement agencies are far more likely to take action against abortion criminals when notices point them to specific individuals who have been supplied with dangerous abortifacients.
We are sending a number of notices to the prosecutor's office about the possibility of crimes committed by Abortion Dream Team activists, drawn up on the basis of testimonies published on the organization's website of women who were helped by abortion activists to kill their unborn children. Each confession should form the basis for a separate investigation by law enforcement agencies into whether abortion assistance occurred.
The breakthrough in the fight against abortion crime is indicated not only by the conviction of Justyna W. A few months ago, we handed over to the National Prosecutor's Office our handbook reminding prosecutors of the need to prosecute people who provide pregnant women with abortifacients. In early January, the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, on the instructions of the prosecutor's office, secured medical records at one of Szczecin's gynecological surgeries. The prosecutor's office said the intervention was related to an investigation into the crime of aiding abortion.
While defending the lives of unborn children, we also represent parents whose doctors' mistake may have cost their child's life. We also help a woman whose partner tried to force her to have an abortion.
Fighting abortion censorship, in many proceedings we successfully defend pro-life activists whose radicals want to close their mouths and forbid showing the truth about abortion in the public space. At the beginning of March, we won another victory in the proceedings initiated by the Pruszków starost against the Pro - Right to Life Foundation. The District Court in Warsaw upheld our position and ruled that there were no grounds for concluding that the Foundation was acting in violation of the law and its statute.
The verdict in Justyna W.'s case is a breakthrough. We have proven that illegal aiding and abetting of abortion can be effectively prosecuted and punished. We cannot rest on our laurels. We will strive with even greater determination for effective legal protection of thousands of innocent children threatened by the activities of abortion criminals.
Advocate Magdalena Majkowska - member of the Board of Ordo Iuris
• Last Saturday, activists from the Abortion Dream Team opened the AboTak 'abortion clinic' near the Polish Parliament, where Polish law is now set to be openly violated.
• Ordo Iuris (OI) experts participated in informal consultations which were held before the 58th sessio
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• The trial of Justyna Wydrzyńska, an activist from the Abortion Dream Team group who was convicted of aiding and abetting a medical abortion, took place in the Court of Appeals in Warsaw.