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The OSCE to recognize Christians in Poland as a target of hate crimes based on statistics submitted by Ordo Iuris

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has just issued its next Hate Crime Report. For the first time, in its section on Poland the 2016 document has mentioned Christians as a separate target group of hate crime, with 19 reported cases, including 17 submitted to the OSCE by Ordo Iuris Institute.
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Family and marriage


At the OSCE conference on pathologies related to the functioning Barnevernet

At the OSCE conference in Warsaw, the Ordo Iuris Institute organized a panel devoted to assessment of the functioning of the Norwegian Child Welfare Agency Barnevernet. Ordo Iuris experts pointed out the need to take steps to protect Norwegians seeking shelter in Poland as well as systemic support for Poles living in Norway today.
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Ordo Iuris at the OSCE conference on hate crimes against Christians and defenders of life

At the annual conference of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Ordo Iuris Institute organized a panel on the issue of hate crime and hate speech. Ordo Iuris experts pointed out that attacks against Christians and defenders of life are often ignored or downplayed in discussions on the subject.
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Ordo Iuris report to the OSCE on hate crimes

For the third time, the Ordo Iuris Institute has prepared a report on hate crimes committed in Poland. The report will be part of a pan-European OSCE report prepared on the basis of data provided by national governments and non-governmental organizations.
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