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Family and marriage


Stop the imposition of ‘reproductive and sexual rights’

The European Parliament is demanding that the European Union impose the concept of ‘reproductive and sexual rights’ on all Member States and that foetal homicide be recognised as a human right. It does so despite the fact that Member States have never agreed to add this type of construct into international law, and despite the fact that the European Union has no competence in the field of human health policy.

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Hate crimes against Christians on the rise. OSCE report

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe has published its annual report, which shows that the number of religious hate crimes continues to increase. Christians are their target in all of the OSCE member states. It is shaped, amongst others, by the political and media marginalisation of this social group or presenting its detrimental image.

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Negative consequences of permissive sex education – Ordo Iuris report

Sex education classes are now under discussion in Poland. The experiences of other countries that have implemented such programmes are of significant importance in this respect. Such countries as Sweden, Germany and Denmark, instituting a permissive model of comprehensive sex education, have observed high rates of abortion among teenagers, sexually transmitted diseases and sex offences.

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Family and marriage


A manipulative report by an LGBT organisation Ordo Iuris responds to accusations against Poland

ILGA Europe, an organisation which includes LGBT activists from many countries, has published a report called “Rainbow Europe,” in which it accuses Poland of violating human rights.

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The wave of hatred towards Christians in Poland is getting stronger. Ordo Iuris report to the OSCE

The number of acts of hostility against Christians in Poland is increasing. In 2019, there were physcial attacks on priests, including those with the use of a knife, disrupting services or devastating objects of worship. There were also numerous anti-Christian provocations by LGBT activists.

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