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Family and marriage


Strasbourg court orders Romania to institutionalize same-sex cohabitation, despite opposition from majority of society

· The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Romania violated the right to respect for private and family life of 21 same-sex couples who complained that their cohabitation could not be formalized.

· The complainants demanded payment of more than half a million euros in compensation for the "psychological suffering" involved.

· The Court ruled on the violation, but refused to award compensation.

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The ECtHR will decide whether the courts should co-decide who can teach religion at school

· Soon the European Court of Human Rights will decide whether state courts are allowed to challenge the decision of the Church or other religious association to withdraw the mission of a catechist to teach religion at school.

· The canonical mission is a certificate of professional qualifications and moral attitude of a catechist issued by church authorities, which is a formal condition of employment at school.

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Civil liberties


Court in Strasbourg: chanting slogans is not torture

• The European Court of Human Rights ruled in the case regarding the counterprotest of a rightist Romanian organisation against screening a film promoting the LGBT ideology.

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