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sex education



The Polish government wants to introduce compulsory left-liberal sex education

The day of the decisive battle for the innocence of Polish children has arrived. Donald Tusk’s government has unveiled a radical proposal for compulsory sex education in the schools. On October 31, the Polish Ministry of Education published the core curriculum for a new school subject, “Health Education,” which has led to a great deal of controversy.

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Ordo Iuris against the ideological agenda at the UN - position paper for the session of the Committee on Population and Development

· Preparations are underway at the UN for the 56th Session of the Commission on Population and Development, which will take place in April 2023.

· The event will focus on the topics of population, education and sustainable development.

- The Ordo Iuris Institute, as an organization with special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council, has submitted its written position.

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Negative consequences of permissive sex education – Ordo Iuris report

Sex education classes are now under discussion in Poland. The experiences of other countries that have implemented such programmes are of significant importance in this respect. Such countries as Sweden, Germany and Denmark, instituting a permissive model of comprehensive sex education, have observed high rates of abortion among teenagers, sexually transmitted diseases and sex offences.

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The civic project 'Stop pedophilia' will help protect children

Today the Polish Parliament will deal with the civic bill ‘Stop Pedophilia’. The project was supported by over 260,000 people. The Ordo Iuris Institute prepared an analysis of the bill, which covers the adequacy of the proposed solutions for achieving the fundamental objective – protecting children against demoralizing sex education". 

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