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Civil liberties


Strasbourg Court strikes at freedom of speech. The fine for the criticism of ideological classes is maintained

The European Court of Human Rights rejected the complaint of the Icelandic citizen sentenced to a fine for the criticism of the introduction of classes promoting the LGBT ideology in schools.

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Civil liberties


They were not allowed to draw graffiti. LGBT activists submit a complaint against the Georgian government to the European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights will deal with the complaint of LGBT activists from Georgia. As a basis for human rights violations, the activists have pointed at the fact that the police prevented them from drawing graffiti on the wall of the Orthodox Church patriarch's residence.

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Family and marriage


Further violations of parents' rights in Norway. The Strasbourg Court issued its ruling

The European Court of Human Rights has once again ruled that Norway has violated parents' rights. The cases concern two families broken up by the child protection office - Barnevernet, on the basis of false accusations of mental problems of the parents.

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Civil liberties


The Strasbourg Court extends the definition of 'homophobic hate speech'

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the refusal of the prosecutor's office to press charges against the authors of harsh comments under the photo of a couple of LGBT activists constitutes discrimination and infringement of the right of persons in homosexual cohabitation to have their private and family life respected. It has thus illegally extended the current definition of the term "hate speech".

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Family and marriage


Another human rights violation by Norway – ruling of the European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights has issued another in a series of rulings against Norway, this time in the case of a violation of the right to family life by the Barnevernet – Norway’s child protective services.

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Family and marriage


European Court of Human Rights: Switzerland violated human rights by refusing to grant asylum to a Muslim convert to Christianity

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled that Switzerland violated human rights by denying asylum to an Afghan man who converted to Christianity from Islam and fled his homeland fearing persecution.

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