Despite the ongoing pandemic, UN agencies continue to promote abortion. According to WHO and the United Nations Population Fund, the protection of ‘reproductive and sexual rights’ is key to combating the effects of the spreading of the coronavirus.
With the pandemic situation becoming more serious, the UN has committed itself to taking a number of measures aimed at helping countries overcome the crisis. Almost every key UN agency, including WHO, has addressed this global problem.
The 64th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women was intended to take place in March and hailed as a breakthrough in regard to the implementation of pro-abortion and pro-gender-ideologies.
The United Nations order the states that have ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (including Poland) to guarantee the "right to abortion".
Ordo Iuris points out that the Commission on the Status of Women, which is a UN body, under the guise of "strengthening women" intends to promote the ideological "gender struggle" and abortive killing of unborn children. At the same time, it marginalises mothers who devote themselves to bringing up their children.